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CHI Airnergy

Peeping Through a Leaf


Eye on CHI Twinlight for life

Life is driven by nothing but electrons, and light, air and water are the three most profound essential ingredients for life on earth.

Assimilating nature's principles of photosynthesis, CHI Twinlight ingeniously  applied Airnergy technology directly in the form of light to tap into the hidden life force through a proprietary bio-electric excitation process.

back to the origin of life in nature


Photosynthesis has utilized sunlight as its primary energy source for more than three billion years. The process of photosynthesis absorbs solar energy in the form of electrons. Using carbon dioxide (CO2) as a catalyst, it then divides water into oxygen and sugar. Cellular respiration, on the other hand, converts sugar and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water, the exact opposite reaction. Survival depends on the cycle of cellular respiration and photosynthesis in humans, animals, and plants. Through the process of evolution, chloroplasts and mitochondria are both descended from ancient microorganisms. These ancient bacteria are capable of directly harvesting photon energy from the sun and have since been harvesting and transferring energy for their host cells.

Dr. Otto Warburg, winner of the Nobel Prize, pioneered research on photosynthesis and life precisely a century ago. His early research on the effect of light wavelength on photosynthetic efficiency served as the foundation for our understanding of life and light. Today, numerous studies and discoveries have been made on the effects of light and water on life, and Dr. Gerald Pollack's work on the fourth phase of water is a remarkable scientific breakthrough. His work has not only confirmed the existence of the long-hypothesized fourth phase of water, but also provided irrefutable evidence that the human body is capable of harvesting light energy through the epidermis, similar to photosynthesis in plants. In the past, it was unheard of for specific light to act directly on our epidermis to split water and generate oxygen, but another independent research group has now confirmed this finding.

CHI Twinlight is another development of Airnergy technology; it applies a monochromatic light source directly to the epidermis in order to induce the formation of 4th phase water and oxygen from water molecules. The dual light source design enables more potent energy healing and a variety of therapeutic applications.

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